Wednesday, April 28, 2010

JillyBeans--at the park!

The weather was so beautiful this weekend--I couldn't resist the opportunity to snap a few photos of my beautiful baby girl!  Looking at these photos makes me realize how quickly she is growing up...

Jillian got tired of taking pictures so I snapped a quick photo of my handsome hubby!

The Gaines Family--photo shoot!

My BFF Lauren and her beautiful family!  I had lots of fun doing this photo shoot even though the weather didn't want to cooperate!  P.S. Lauren if you are reading this we still need to reschedule a photo shoot!

Jena's Family Photo shoot

My beautiful sister and her beautiful family!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Graduation Pics--Josh

Graduation Pictures of my handsome brother Josh!

Hebert Family Photo's

Here are a few photo's from a shoot I did with my BFF Leslie and her beautiful family.

Welcome to my hobby!

Well seeing as how I can't seem to keep up with just one blog--I have decided to start another!  I want to have one place to post all my pictures in a portfolio kinda way!  So to all who view--I hope you enjoy!

Some of my fave's in no particular order!